Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bandung spot "Reading Lights"

Bandung is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a wide variety of places, ranging from cafes, factory outlets, malls, and other tourist attractions. Bandung also has a very cozy reading books. This place is called reading lights.
Reading Lights is located at 16 Jalan Siliwangi Bandung. Reading Lights is a  bookstore which sells some second-hand books in english language. Their books mostly imported from countries such as Britain, France, the Netherlands, Japan, etc.
For those of you who come to this bookstore is not to buy, don't worry because in there we were allowed only to read them without having to buy the book. The room decor is very unique in Reading Lights, visitors made comfortable by homey decorations. In each wall there are a paintings and unique lamps. There are sofa chairs, regular chairs and there is also a special children reading zone. The sofa is so comfortable,  I could sit there for as long as i can. Additionally, they provide room for smoking area. On the second floor there is also a toilet and a mosque.
me in their comfortable sofa
Books are sell at Reading Lights fairly complete starting from fiction novel or non-fiction, history, travel guide, classic and literature, biography / auto-biography, magazines, and books in English for children.
reading architecture book
In addition, Reading Lights also provide a coffee corner. Their have a delicious pancake and caramel coffee late. And that is all about Bandung spot from me. Bye, see you in another post from me.

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